Mary Potter Moments Appeal

If Jan couldn't go to Scotland, we would bring Scotland to Jan.

Your gift today will help bring other - Mary Potter Moments - to life. 


Donate to our Mary Potter Moments Appeal and help us create special memories that will live in families hearts for years to come.

Some other Mary Potter Moments are shared with you below as an example of what your support can make possible.

“One of my favourite Mary Potter Moments was when The Mary Potter Foundation supported Joff to organise a version of A Day on the Green behind the Chapel. It was an amazing afternoon for an amazing patient. He spent the afternoon making people laugh and feeling welcome. He was over joyed by the event the Foundation helped to organise and shone so bright that day, like a ray of sunshine.”  Amy - Clinical Manager, The Mary Potter Hospice

“I remember so many of the Mary Potter Moments that the Foundation has helped make possible. All of the little meaningful moments (the pizza nights, footy parties, gourmet platters and wine) we see being organised every week, make such a big difference to our patients and families. It helps them have a sense of normality and helps them to create memories together. These moments also help to relieve distress by giving them an opportunity to focus on each other and spending time together.” Amy - Clinical Manager, The Mary Potter Hospice

“Jan’s Highland Fling also stands out to me – I remember Jan telling me about her “last wish” of going to Scotland and taking this to the Foundation with a few rough ideas and it evolving into the beautiful event that it was.

I remember the ‘travelling zoo’ we arranged for Roger and his God son with the baby farm animals and the joy this brought to his whole family. From the barring lambs to the squeal of the piglet, this was an afternoon of chaos and fun, all happening in the rain. The photographer arranged was able to capture some special shots that will remain very dear to the family forever.

I remember Maggie’s ‘day at the beach party’ where bucket loads of sand were brought into the hospice so Maggie could feel her toes in the sand one last time. I think a surfing Elvis was even included!

I will always remember the Mary Potter Moment that was a photoshoot organised by the Foundation, for one of our patients with his 6 month old granddaughter. This photographer was so gentle and captured some amazing shots. I know this was a challenging one for the patient and his daughter, as they had been estranged for a number of years and this was the first time he met his only grandchild. I know these photos will be treasured for years to come.” Sigourney – Social Worker, The Mary Potter Hospice

“My most memorable Mary Potter Moment was when a woman in her mid to late 40s was in the Hospice. She was a keen quilter and had three daughters and two sisters that come to visit her.  The Mary Potter Foundation provided them with pizza, nibbles and wine (quite a bit lol) and as I entered her room, I remember seeing all the women surrounding the patient’s bed who was enjoying watching them all quilt a patch on a much larger quilt , the patient was trying to finish, as one of her daughters was getting married.

It was the most beautiful touching moment to date for me. They were all laughing and telling stories while she was tutoring them on their stitches, which admittedly were a bit wonky. Three days later this patient passed away, while outside her bedroom she was surrounded these lovingly strong women.” Chris – Mary Potter Hospice Nurse

Fill out the secure online form below or call us to make a gift over the phone on 08 8239 0119. 

Alternatively, you can click here to download a manual form to complete and return to The Mary Potter Foundation.

Or you can direct debit from your own bank account to our account:

BSB: 065 000

Account: 00909401

Account Name: Mary Potter Foundation

Reference: Your full name

Please let us know that you have set up a direct debit by emailing