Donor Promise
Help us keep our promises.
We are indebted to you for your support. We never lose sight that everything that you do for us is vital to the quality of care being provided for patients in the Mary Potter Hospice, Mary Potter Northern Supportive Care Unit, Palliative Care in the Home Program, St Helen’s and through the RESTORE program in Kimberley House.
To reflect our commitment to you we now have a Donor Charter which includes the following promises:

We will endeavour to provide you with a receipt and appropriate acknowledgement for any gift you make within 14 days.

Your gifts will only be used for the purpose for which they were given.

You will be kept informed on the impact of your gifts and support.

Your personal information is handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

Your personal information will never be sold, shared or swapped with any other charity or organisation.

Your credit card information is destroyed in accordance with strict Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations.

Your mail preferences can be changed at any time; you decide when and how we send you mail.
If you feel we have not lived up to any of these promises, please let us know so we can do better.
In the first instance please contact Lorna Riddle on 08 8239 0119 for a confidential discussion.